Monday, 26 January 2015

3 Questions Every Beauty Guru Should Be Able To Answer

First Question: Are you sponsered?
When watching a video or reading a blog post, I want to know if that person is sponsered. I think it really matters if someone is getting paid to say that they like the item or if they genuinely like the item enough to say they like it without actually wanting anything in return. I want someone's authentic opinion on certain makeup when I'm watching their content, not something that they have been paid to say is great, however I don't mind if they say they got sent something and then review it for an honest answer.

Second Question: Where did you buy it from/ Where did you order it from?
I hate it when people don't say where the thing they got it is from because here in Australia, it's really, extremely, difficult to find products that are say limited edition, we don't stock the brand here, the website only ships to USA or it's a product that legally can not be shipped (perfume, nail polish, deoderant etc.) I want to know where they got their product from and I want to know where, what and how.

Third Question: How much did it cost?
Come on isn't this one pretty simple and self-explainitory? I want to know how much the product costs, I mean sure I could look it up and it would take a mere two more seconds but isn't it just easier if you tell me? Is that laziness? Tell me in the comments below what you think and what other questions a beauty guru should be able to answer.

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